Dragos Paraschiv
Managing Partner, Agile L&D Consultant
Dragos, impreuna cu un grup de entuziasti, a fondat Stand for Development, o echipa dedicata dezvoltarii de business prin dezvoltarea oamenilor.
Dragos a fost parte in lansarea si pozitionarea cu succes in Romania a trei leaderi de piata la nivel global: Air Liquide, DuPont si JW Marriot. In 2008, Dragos s-a implicat intr-un nou start-up, Stand for Development. Fiecare business start-up in parte si fiecare echipa pe care a construit-o sunt experiente pe care Dragos le impartaseste cu partenerii sai de lucru, fie in programele de training, fie in companie.
Programele pe care Dragos le livreaza isi extrag valoare din experienta personala de manager national de vanzari, director general si antreprenor.
Adrian Paraschiv
Senior Partner, Agile L&D Consultant
In 18 ani de business, Adrian a coordonat vanzari si implementari de proiecte complexe de transformare multi-level de tip sisteme-procese-oameni pentru diverse companii din Romania si Europa, avand pozitii de management in HVB-Tiriac Bank, Erste Bank-BCR, Romsys, Oracle Financial Services (i-flex), Capgemini Consulting, iar acum Stand for Development.
Din anul 2009, Adrian s-a alaturat echipei dezvoltand si livrand programe de training cu focus pe implementare si rezultate masurabile pentru echipele de vanzari si management pentru 60 de companii din domeniile Bancar, Asigurari, Automotive, Pharma, IT&C, Agribusiness, Telecom, Utilities, DIY.
In timp, Adrian a formulat o idee proprie despre efort: „Singura abilitate pe care ti-o dezvolti fara sa faci nimic este incompetenta… pentru celelalte, este multa munca si pasiune pentru performanta.”
Mihaela Paraschiv
Senior Partner, R&D Manager
Mihaela aduce in Stand for Development experienta sa de management de resurse umane concentrata pe sisteme de management al performantei, comp & ben si programe de dezvoltare.
Cunoasterea din propria experienta a nevoilor departamentelor de HR atunci cand vine vorba de dezvoltarea de competente care aduc rezultate imediate, o ajuta sa dezvolte si sa propuna clientilor Stand for Development programe noi, cu metode de invatare moderne.
O companie de training isi extrage valoarea, in buna masura, din capacitatea de a transfera clientilor sai cunostinte si abilitati care tin pasul cu transformarile si nevoile mediului de business. Prin sectiunea de R&D pe care Mihaela o coordoneaza, Stand for Development este conectata la viteza de schimbare a acestui mediu cautand solutii noi si „Agile” pentru companiile client.
Radu Dit
Associate Partner, Master Trainer
In 13 ani de experienta in telecomunicatii, banking si retail, Radu a avut sansa de a coordona echipe in domenii de activitate variate: Software Development, Telecom, Marketing si Vanzari Retail, Resurse Umane.
Pasiunea pentru training si expertiza de business sunt doua dintre ingredientele de baza ale programele livrate de el pentru echipele de vanzari sau pentru cele de management.
Si pentru ca Radu cunoaste foarte bine provocarile echipelor corporate cu care lucreaza, el se concentreaza in livrarea programelor de training pe elementele practice, cu aplicabilitate directa.
Alin Dumitru
Associate Partner, Master Trainer
In 10 ani de experienta in telecomunicatii, asigurari si domeniul farmaceutic, Alin si-a orientat cariera catre vanzari, managementul echipelor de vanzari si consultanta organizationala, pentru ca mai apoi sa puna toata acesta experienta in pasiunea pentru training.
Dinamism, energie, expertiza si motivatie sunt atributele care descriu cel mai bine sesiunile sustinute de Alin. Ca parte a echipei Stand for Development, isi concentreaza programele coordonate pe aplicabilitatea imediata a conceptelor si adaptarea acestora la mediul organizational al participantilor, urmarind obtinerea de rezultate vizibile si imediate.
Fiind pasionat de sport, calatorii si dezvoltare personala, este intr-o permanenta cautare de noutate, iar in pasiunea pentru training se regaseste si placerea de a descoperi noi experiente pozitive si noi oameni.
Mihai Codescu
Associate Partner, Master Trainer
Mihai a intrat prima oara in sala de training de pe treptele facultatii insistand sa livreze „cursurile” aparte si a facut -o cu optimism, dedicatie si gandire pozitiva.
Din 2008, trainingul s-a transformat din hobby in profesie. Ca trainer si, ulterior, ca training manager Mihai a facut parte din mai multe organizatii multinationale unde a condus si a livrat proiecte de training din cele mai diverse si complexe. Un proiect plin de provocari dar in acelasi timp plin de satisfactii in care a fost implicat recent a fost cel de rebranding a Telekom Romania. In acest proiect Mihai a livrat peste 50 de sesiuni de comunicare pentru promovarea noului brand.
Mihai sustine o gama larga de cursuri de mangement, vanzari, comunicare, customer service si, favoritele lui, creativitate si inovatie.
Florin Ofileanu
Senior Trainer
Daca ar fi un cuvant care sa il caracterizeze pe Florin, acesta este performanta.
Din 2012 a facut parte și coordonat programe de training pentru echipe la nivel național, cat și international pentru industrii pharma, banking si retail.
O buna parte din activitate a inclus crearea și coordonarea de programe pentru dizolvarea gap-ului generational, dezvoltarea abilitatilor si integrarea in piata muncii pentru generatiile Z si Millennials.
Cei 20 de ani de activitate ca sportiv si apoi de coordonator al departamentului de dezvoltare a Federației Romane de Rugby, alaturi de formarile ca psihoterapeut, ii confera lui Florin abilitatea ca fiecare program livrat sa transforme rapid așteptarile participantilor in rezultate concrete.
Marius Damian
Dupa ce a preluat provocarea de a dezvolta abilitatile tehnice si de comunicare ale echipei de Call Center din cadrul ING Bank, Marius si-a descoperit pasiunea pentru training si coaching si a facut un scop din a gasi solutii la intrebarea: Ce ii misca pe oameni?
Pana in prezent, Marius si-a castigat experieta implicandu-se si coordonand proiecte de dezvoltare si livrare de cursuri, in clasa si online, pentru echipe de vanzari B2B si B2C, echipe de customer care si vanzari telefonice, cat si prin implicarea in proiecte de redefinire a strategiei de business.
Marius considera ca invatarea este un proces continuu, din care pot obtine valoare companiile, echipele si fiecare om in parte, atunci cand acesta este accelerat.
Mottoul lui preferat este: “Nu uita niciodata ca ceea ce nu stii inca este mai important decat ceea ce stii deja”
Marius Tamas
Marius si-a descoperit pasiunea pentru training cand a devenit responsabil pentru instruirea echipei regionale de vanzari a unei banci si a descoperit ca o echipa buna are nevoie nu doar de cunoasterea produselor companiei, ci, poate mai ales, de traininguri de comunicare, vanzari, customer service, tratarea obiectiilor, tehnici de negociere sau managementul conflictelor.
In peste 12 ani de activitate ca trainer, Marius a sustinut mii de ore de training pentru mii de persoane din domeniul bancar, asigurari, marketing, distributie, vanzari directe si retail. Timp de 5 ani, Marius a sustinut sesiuni open de training si public speaking in multe orase din Romania pentru companii de marketing.
Pasiunea pentru dezvoltarea personala continua, fie prin numarul mare de carti studiate, fie prin participarea la seminarii internationale cu renumiti traineri de top; Marius este mereu deschis pentru aplicarea de lucruri noi in training.
Motto-ul preferat al lui este: “Daca vrei sa iti mearga bine in viata, ajuta cat mai multi oameni sa le mearga bine!” Iar asta chiar se poate face prin training.
Cristina Paraschiv
Project Manager, Agile Coach
In cei 15 ani de business, Cristina a contribuit la implementarea de proiecte complexe in domeniul financiar bancar pentru clienti din Romania, Europa, SUA, avand rolul de Senior Business Analist, Project & Portfolio Manager, Senior Consultant si apoi Deputy Manager si Career Coach pentru companii precum Erste Bank, SocGen, Endava, KPMG.
Avand experienta si certificari in metodologii de tip Agile, din anul 2019, Cristina s-a alaturat echipei Stand for Development in rolul de Project Manager & Agile Coach, pentru a contribui la analiza, definirea si monitorizarea proiectelor de L&D, proiecte cu focus pe implementare post-training si masurarea noilor abilitati, cu impact in rezultate.
Pentru Cristina, satisfactia clientului este o combinatie de ascultare, intelegere, claritate in obiective si design de program si depasirea asteptarilor in executie.
Florin Cirstoiu
Coordonator Logistic
Florin s-a alaturat echipei Stand for Development in 2009 atunci cand a preluat pozitia de Coordonator Operatiuni-Logistica.
Florin este Absolvent al Academiei de Studii Economice si ale SNSPA – Relatii publice si comunicare. Pe parcursul a 14 ani de cariera, el a participat la mai multe proiecte de start up pentru companii nationale si internationale unde si-a pus la lucru abilitatile de organizator.
In cadrul echipei, Florin este responsabil de intreaga activitate de productie a materialelor de training si marketing ale companiei precum si de logistica legata de programele implementate de Stand for Development.
Dragos Paraschiv
Managing Partner, Agile L&D Consultant
Dragos, along with a group of enthusiasts, founded Stand for Development, a team dedicated to business development through people development.
Dragos played a key role in the successful launch and positioning in Romania of three global market leaders: Air Liquide, DuPont, and JW Marriott. In 2008, Dragos got involved in a new startup venture, Stand for Development. Each business startup and every team he has built are experiences that Dragos shares with his working partners, whether in training programs or within the company.
The programs delivered by Dragos derive their value from his personal experience as a national sales manager, general director, and entrepreneur.
Adrian Paraschiv
Senior Partner, Agile L&D Consultant
With 18 years in business, Adrian has coordinated sales and implemented complex multi-level transformation projects involving systems, processes, and people for various companies in Romania and Europe. He has held management positions at HVB-Tiriac Bank, Erste Bank-BCR, Romsys, Oracle Financial Services (i-flex), Capgemini Consulting, and now Stand for Development.
Since 2009, Adrian has been part of the team, developing and delivering training programs with a focus on implementation and measurable results for sales and management teams from 60 companies across various sectors including Banking, Insurance, Automotive, Pharma, IT&C, Agribusiness, Telecom, Utilities, and DIY.
Over time, Adrian has formed his own view on effort: „The only ability you develop without doing anything is incompetence… for everything else, there is a lot of work and a passion for performance.”
Mihaela Paraschiv
Senior Partner, R&D Manager
Mihaela brings her expertise in human resource management to Stand for Development, focusing on performance management systems, compensation & benefits, and development programs.
Her firsthand understanding of the needs of HR departments in terms of developing competencies that yield immediate results enables her to develop and propose new programs to Stand for Development’s clients, utilizing modern learning methods.
A training company derives significant value from its ability to transfer knowledge and skills to its clients that keep pace with the transformations and needs of the business environment. Through the R&D section that Mihaela coordinates, Stand for Development stays in tune with the rapid changes in this environment, seeking new and „Agile” solutions for its client companies.
Radu Dit
Associate Partner, Master Trainer
In his 13 years of experience in telecommunications, banking, and retail, Radu has had the opportunity to lead teams in a variety of fields: Software Development, Telecom, Marketing, Retail Sales, and Human Resources.
His passion for training and business expertise are two of the key ingredients in the programs he delivers, particularly for sales teams and management groups.
Understanding the challenges faced by the corporate teams he works with, Radu focuses on delivering training programs that emphasize practical elements with direct applicability.
Alin Dumitru
Associate Partner, Master Trainer
With 10 years of experience in telecommunications, insurance, and the pharmaceutical industry, Alin has directed his career towards sales, sales team management, and organizational consulting, before channeling all this experience into his passion for training.
Dynamism, energy, expertise, and motivation best describe Alin’s training sessions. As part of the Stand for Development team, he focuses his coordinated programs on the immediate applicability of concepts and their adaptation to the organizational environment of the participants, aiming for visible and immediate results.
A passionate enthusiast of sports, travel, and personal development, Alin is constantly seeking novelty. His passion for training also reflects his enjoyment of discovering new positive experiences and meeting new people.
Mihai Codescu
Associate Partner, Master Trainer
Mihai first stepped into the training room straight from university, insisting on delivering „different” courses, and he did so with optimism, dedication, and positive thinking.
Since 2008, training has evolved from a hobby into a profession for him. As a trainer and later as a training manager, Mihai has been part of several multinational organizations where he has led and delivered a diverse and complex range of training projects. A particularly challenging yet rewarding project he was recently involved in was the rebranding of Telekom Romania. In this project, Mihai conducted over 50 communication sessions to promote the new brand.
Mihai offers a wide range of courses in management, sales, communication, customer service, and his favorites, creativity and innovation.
Florin Ofileanu
Senior Trainer
If there’s one word to describe Florin, it’s „performance.” Since 2012, he has been a part of and has coordinated training programs for teams both nationally and internationally in industries like pharmaceuticals, banking, and retail.
A significant portion of his work has involved creating and coordinating programs aimed at bridging the generational gap, developing skills, and integrating Generation Z and Millennials into the workforce.
With 20 years of experience as an athlete and later as the coordinator of the development department of the Romanian Rugby Federation, coupled with his training as a psychotherapist, Florin has the ability to transform the expectations of program participants into concrete results swiftly.
Marius Damian
After taking on the challenge of developing the technical and communication skills of the Call Center team at ING Bank, Marius discovered his passion for training and coaching. He made it his goal to find solutions to the question: What motivates people?
To date, Marius has gained experience by getting involved in and coordinating projects for the development and delivery of courses, both in-person and online, for B2B and B2C sales teams, customer care, and telesales teams, as well as being involved in projects for redefining business strategies.
Marius believes that learning is a continuous process, from which companies, teams, and individuals can derive value, especially when this process is accelerated.
His favorite motto is: „Never forget that what you don’t yet know is more important than what you already know.”
Marius Tamas
Marius discovered his passion for training when he became responsible for the training of a regional sales team at a bank. He realized that a successful team needs not only knowledge of the company’s products but, perhaps more importantly, training in communication, sales, customer service, handling objections, negotiation techniques, and conflict management.
In over 12 years as a trainer, Marius has conducted thousands of hours of training for thousands of individuals in banking, insurance, marketing, distribution, direct sales, and retail. For five years, he has led open training sessions and public speaking in various cities across Romania for marketing companies.
His passion for personal development continues, whether through extensive reading or attending international seminars with renowned top trainers. Marius is always open to applying new things in his training.
His favorite motto is: „If you want to do well in life, help as many people as you can to do well!” And he believes this can truly be achieved through training.
Cristina Paraschiv
Project Manager, Agile Coach
In her 15 years in the business, Cristina has contributed to the implementation of complex projects in the financial banking sector for clients in Romania, Europe, the USA, holding positions such as Senior Business Analyst, Project & Portfolio Manager, Senior Consultant, and then Deputy Manager and Career Coach for companies like Erste Bank, SocGen, Endava, and KPMG.
With experience and certifications in Agile methodologies, Cristina joined the Stand for Development team in 2019 as a Project Manager & Agile Coach. Her role involves analyzing, defining, and monitoring Learning & Development (L&D) projects focused on post-training implementation and measuring new skills, impacting results.
For Cristina, client satisfaction is a combination of listening, understanding, clarity in objectives and program design, and exceeding expectations in execution.
Florin Cirstoiu
Coordonator Logistic
Florin joined Stand for Development in 2009 when he took up the position of Operations-Logistics Coordinator.
Florin is a graduate of the Academy of Economic Studies and SNSPA – Public Relations and Communication. During his 14-year career, he participated in several start-up projects for national and international companies where he put his organizational skills to work.
Within the team, Florin is responsible for the entire production of the company’s training and marketing materials as well as the logistics related to the programs implemented by Stand for Development.