Un program experiential. O situatie des intalnita: competitie pentru resurse, probleme de integrare, activitati aparent divergente si mai ales un obiectiv comun. Un program experiential. O situatie des intalnita: competitie pentru resurse, probleme de integrare, activitati aparent divergente si mai ales un obiectiv comun.
How do conflicts arise? Can we transform them productively? The programme answers practical questions about intelligent conflict resolution. How do conflicts arise? Can we transform them productively? The programme answers practical questions about intelligent conflict resolution.
An intensive and comprehensive course that takes participants through planning, organising, leading, motivating, management styles, monitoring and controlling. An intensive and comprehensive course that takes participants through planning, organising, leading, motivating, management styles, monitoring and controlling.
A simulation in which teams take on the management of a real business. Bold strategic decisions and rigorous implementation are mandatory for success. A simulation in which teams take on the management of a real business. Bold strategic decisions and rigorous implementation are mandatory for success.
You will never look at any presenter with the same eyes again! The program will familiarize participants with all the tools necessary for a memorable and compelling presentation. You will never look at any presenter with the same eyes again! The program will familiarize participants with all the tools necessary for a memorable and compelling presentation.
Have you ever felt that the arguments you bring up hit like a wall? Do you sometimes feel that your interlocutors don’t “buy” your proposals? Learn persuasion and argumentation techniques that work on target. Have you ever felt that the arguments you bring up hit like a wall? Do you sometimes feel that your interlocutors don’t “buy” your proposals? Learn persuasion and argumentation techniques that work on target.