Human interactions are complex. Participants learn a set of tools for self-discovery, understanding others and building positive relationships. Human interactions are complex. Participants learn a set of tools for self-discovery, understanding others and building positive relationships.
Un program avansat cu 100% practica de vanzare. Tehnici avansate si psihologie aplicata in vanzari. Un program avansat cu 100% practica de vanzare. Tehnici avansate si psihologie aplicata in vanzari.
Colegii sunt si ei clienti ?! Cum se construieşte o organizaţie “Service Oriented”? Programul ofera o baza solida pentru furnizarea de servicii de calitate pentru clientii interni. Colegii sunt si ei clienti ?! Cum se construieşte o organizaţie “Service Oriented”? Programul ofera o baza solida pentru furnizarea de servicii de calitate pentru clientii interni.
The program guides participants in discovering ways to achieve the expected results in an efficient manner by correctly defining their role, objectives and priorities. The program guides participants in discovering ways to achieve the expected results in an efficient manner by correctly defining their role, objectives and priorities.
Creativity is an essential skill for career and life. Participants discover how creativity is the key to finding solutions and developing initiative and proactivity. Creativity is an essential skill for career and life. Participants discover how creativity is the key to finding solutions and developing initiative and proactivity.
A simulation in which teams take on the management of a real business. Bold strategic decisions and rigorous implementation are mandatory for success. A simulation in which teams take on the management of a real business. Bold strategic decisions and rigorous implementation are mandatory for success.