An experiential simulation containing all the challenges of a complex project – conquering the South Pole. Instead of conclusions: presentation of the project to obtain funding. An experiential simulation containing all the challenges of a complex project – conquering the South Pole. Instead of conclusions: presentation of the project to obtain funding.
Instrumente de analiza a actiunilor de business din prezent dintr-o perspectiva care merge mai departe de urmatoarele luni. Instrumente de analiza a actiunilor de business din prezent dintr-o perspectiva care merge mai departe de urmatoarele luni.
Power = People. Strong managers know how to unify the “strengths” of their people towards achieving their goals. Power = People. Strong managers know how to unify the “strengths” of their people towards achieving their goals.
Interactiunile umane sunt complexe. Participantii deprind un set de instrumente de auto-cunoastere, intelegere a interlocutorilor si construire de relaţii pozitive. Interactiunile umane sunt complexe. Participantii deprind un set de instrumente de auto-cunoastere, intelegere a interlocutorilor si construire de relaţii pozitive.
Cum apar conflictele? Le putem transforma in mod productiv? Programul raspunde intrebarilor practice legate de rezolvarea inteligenta a conflictelor. Cum apar conflictele? Le putem transforma in mod productiv? Programul raspunde intrebarilor practice legate de rezolvarea inteligenta a conflictelor.
Tools for analyzing current business actions from a perspective that goes beyond the next few months. Tools for analyzing current business actions from a perspective that goes beyond the next few months.