Nu veti mai privi nici un prezentator cu aceiasi ochi! Programul ii va familiariza pe participanti cu toate instrumentele necesare unei prezentari memorabile si convingatoare. Nu veti mai privi nici un prezentator cu aceiasi ochi! Programul ii va familiariza pe participanti cu toate instrumentele necesare unei prezentari memorabile si convingatoare.
A course in taking responsibility for one’s own actions A course in taking responsibility for one’s own actions
Tools for analyzing current business actions from a perspective that goes beyond the next few months. Tools for analyzing current business actions from a perspective that goes beyond the next few months.
2016 perpetuates an illusion: personal energy is inexhaustible. This programme offers solutions to balance energy use over time and smart energy regeneration. 2016 perpetuates an illusion: personal energy is inexhaustible. This programme offers solutions to balance energy use over time and smart energy regeneration.
Where there are many power grows… At the end of this program participants will know and be able to use the laws of collaboration in an effective team. Where there are many power grows… At the end of this program participants will know and be able to use the laws of collaboration in an effective team.
Programul ii ghideaza pe participanti participanti in descoperirea de modalitati de a obtine rezultatele asteptate intr-o manieră eficienta prin definirea corecta a rolului, obiectivelor si prioritatilor. Programul ii ghideaza pe participanti participanti in descoperirea de modalitati de a obtine rezultatele asteptate intr-o manieră eficienta prin definirea corecta a rolului, obiectivelor si prioritatilor.