A simulation in which teams take on the management of a real business. Bold strategic decisions and rigorous implementation are mandatory for success. A simulation in which teams take on the management of a real business. Bold strategic decisions and rigorous implementation are mandatory for success.
2016 perpetuates an illusion: personal energy is inexhaustible. This programme offers solutions to balance energy use over time and smart energy regeneration. 2016 perpetuates an illusion: personal energy is inexhaustible. This programme offers solutions to balance energy use over time and smart energy regeneration.
Creativitatea este o abilitate esentiala pentru cariera si viata. Participantii descopera cum creativitatea este cheia gasirii de solutii si dezvoltarii initiativei si proactivitatii. Creativitatea este o abilitate esentiala pentru cariera si viata. Participantii descopera cum creativitatea este cheia gasirii de solutii si dezvoltarii initiativei si proactivitatii.
Tools for analyzing current business actions from a perspective that goes beyond the next few months. Tools for analyzing current business actions from a perspective that goes beyond the next few months.
Interactiunile umane sunt complexe. Participantii deprind un set de instrumente de auto-cunoastere, intelegere a interlocutorilor si construire de relaţii pozitive. Interactiunile umane sunt complexe. Participantii deprind un set de instrumente de auto-cunoastere, intelegere a interlocutorilor si construire de relaţii pozitive.
Instrumente de analiza a actiunilor de business din prezent dintr-o perspectiva care merge mai departe de urmatoarele luni. Instrumente de analiza a actiunilor de business din prezent dintr-o perspectiva care merge mai departe de urmatoarele luni.