Creativity is an essential skill for career and life. Participants discover how creativity is the key to finding solutions and developing initiative and proactivity. Creativity is an essential skill for career and life. Participants discover how creativity is the key to finding solutions and developing initiative and proactivity.
Power = People. Strong managers know how to unify the “strengths” of their people towards achieving their goals. Power = People. Strong managers know how to unify the “strengths” of their people towards achieving their goals.
O simulare in care echipele isi asuma conducerea unui business real. Deciziile strategice indraznete si implementarea riguroasa sunt obligatorii pentru succes. O simulare in care echipele isi asuma conducerea unui business real. Deciziile strategice indraznete si implementarea riguroasa sunt obligatorii pentru succes.
An intensive and comprehensive course that takes participants through planning, organising, leading, motivating, management styles, monitoring and controlling. An intensive and comprehensive course that takes participants through planning, organising, leading, motivating, management styles, monitoring and controlling.
A good salesperson knows and uses cleverly the creation of emotions that favour buying. A good salesperson knows and uses cleverly the creation of emotions that favour buying.
Ai simtit vreodată ca argumentele pe care la aduci se lovesc ca de un zid? Ai simtit uneori ca interlocutorii nu “cumpara” propunerile tale? Deprinde tehnici de persuasiune si argumentare care merg la tinta. Ai simtit vreodată ca argumentele pe care la aduci se lovesc ca de un zid? Ai simtit uneori ca interlocutorii nu “cumpara” propunerile tale? Deprinde tehnici de persuasiune si argumentare care merg la tinta.