You will never look at any presenter with the same eyes again! The program will familiarize participants with all the tools necessary for a memorable and compelling presentation. You will never look at any presenter with the same eyes again! The program will familiarize participants with all the tools necessary for a memorable and compelling presentation.
A topical programme for multinational corporate environments. The programme provides tools for understanding and productively overcoming cultural differences. A programme about long-term collaboration. A topical programme for multinational corporate environments. The programme provides tools for understanding and productively overcoming cultural differences. A programme about long-term collaboration.
A program built with a dual perspective: effective client interaction techniques & strategies and natural client-centred orientation A program built with a dual perspective: effective client interaction techniques & strategies and natural client-centred orientation
Instrumente de analiza a actiunilor de business din prezent dintr-o perspectiva care merge mai departe de urmatoarele luni. Instrumente de analiza a actiunilor de business din prezent dintr-o perspectiva care merge mai departe de urmatoarele luni.
This course puts “win-win” negotiations face to face with “Gotcha!” negotiations. and their effects on business development This course puts “win-win” negotiations face to face with “Gotcha!” negotiations. and their effects on business development
Programul ofera intreg “arsenalul” necesar omului de vanzari pentru a genera vanzari noi şi a pastra clientii existenti. Rezultat: cresterea vanzarilor si a profitabilitatii. Programul ofera intreg “arsenalul” necesar omului de vanzari pentru a genera vanzari noi şi a pastra clientii existenti. Rezultat: cresterea vanzarilor si a profitabilitatii.