Un curs intensiv si complet care trece participantii prin planificare, organizare, conducere, motivare, stiluri de management, monitorizare si control. Un curs intensiv si complet care trece participantii prin planificare, organizare, conducere, motivare, stiluri de management, monitorizare si control.
An experiential simulation containing all the challenges of a complex project – conquering the South Pole. Instead of conclusions: presentation of the project to obtain funding. An experiential simulation containing all the challenges of a complex project – conquering the South Pole. Instead of conclusions: presentation of the project to obtain funding.
Participants understand what is at stake and their role in HR processes and people development to increase organizational effectiveness. A must-have for managers! Participants understand what is at stake and their role in HR processes and people development to increase organizational effectiveness. A must-have for managers!
Ai simtit vreodată ca argumentele pe care la aduci se lovesc ca de un zid? Ai simtit uneori ca interlocutorii nu “cumpara” propunerile tale? Deprinde tehnici de persuasiune si argumentare care merg la tinta. Ai simtit vreodată ca argumentele pe care la aduci se lovesc ca de un zid? Ai simtit uneori ca interlocutorii nu “cumpara” propunerile tale? Deprinde tehnici de persuasiune si argumentare care merg la tinta.
Un program tri-dimensional complet: Self-Leadership, People Leadership, Business Leadership. Abordarea practica asigura aplicabilitatea imediata. Un program tri-dimensional complet: Self-Leadership, People Leadership, Business Leadership. Abordarea practica asigura aplicabilitatea imediata.
Have you ever felt that the arguments you bring up hit like a wall? Do you sometimes feel that your interlocutors don’t “buy” your proposals? Learn persuasion and argumentation techniques that work on target. Have you ever felt that the arguments you bring up hit like a wall? Do you sometimes feel that your interlocutors don’t “buy” your proposals? Learn persuasion and argumentation techniques that work on target.