O simulare in care echipele isi asuma conducerea unui business real. Deciziile strategice indraznete si implementarea riguroasa sunt obligatorii pentru succes. O simulare in care echipele isi asuma conducerea unui business real. Deciziile strategice indraznete si implementarea riguroasa sunt obligatorii pentru succes.
Instrumente de analiza a actiunilor de business din prezent dintr-o perspectiva care merge mai departe de urmatoarele luni. Instrumente de analiza a actiunilor de business din prezent dintr-o perspectiva care merge mai departe de urmatoarele luni.
A simulation in which teams take on the management of a real business. Bold strategic decisions and rigorous implementation are mandatory for success. A simulation in which teams take on the management of a real business. Bold strategic decisions and rigorous implementation are mandatory for success.
An advanced program with 100% sales practice. Advanced techniques and applied psychology in sales. An advanced program with 100% sales practice. Advanced techniques and applied psychology in sales.
The program guides participants in discovering ways to achieve the expected results in an efficient manner by correctly defining their role, objectives and priorities. The program guides participants in discovering ways to achieve the expected results in an efficient manner by correctly defining their role, objectives and priorities.
The program addresses the specifics of telephone sales and delivers practical tools and professional remote interaction and persuasion techniques to increase the volume of productive calls and results per call. The program addresses the specifics of telephone sales and delivers practical tools and professional remote interaction and persuasion techniques to increase the volume of productive calls and results per call.