O simulare experientiala care contine toate provocarile unui proiect complex – cucerirea Polului Sud. In loc de concluzii: prezentarea proiectului pentru obtinerea finantarii. O simulare experientiala care contine toate provocarile unui proiect complex – cucerirea Polului Sud. In loc de concluzii: prezentarea proiectului pentru obtinerea finantarii.
Power = People. Strong managers know how to unify the „strengths” of their people towards achieving their goals. Power = People. Strong managers know how to unify the „strengths” of their people towards achieving their goals.
Power = People. Managerii puternici stiu cum sa unifice “puterile” oamenilor lor inspre atingerea obiectivelor. Power = People. Managerii puternici stiu cum sa unifice “puterile” oamenilor lor inspre atingerea obiectivelor.
Programul ii conduce pe participanti pe un parcurs concret, de la metodologia PMI pana la factorii critici de succes si depasirea capcanelor in implementare. Bazat pe practica. Programul ii conduce pe participanti pe un parcurs concret, de la metodologia PMI pana la factorii critici de succes si depasirea capcanelor in implementare. Bazat pe practica.
You will never look at any presenter with the same eyes again! The program will familiarize participants with all the tools necessary for a memorable and compelling presentation. You will never look at any presenter with the same eyes again! The program will familiarize participants with all the tools necessary for a memorable and compelling presentation.
Tools for rational analysis and ability to act lucidly in situations with a high degree of uncertainty and risk Tools for rational analysis and ability to act lucidly in situations with a high degree of uncertainty and risk